Don’t put it off!

Your next poo could save your life. Just a tiny sample detects signs of cancer before you notice anything wrong. […]

Lets Get Active!

It’s the perfect time to get active. No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body […]

NHS Talking Therapies

Struggling with feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress or obsessions and compulsions? NHS Talking Therapies can help. […]

Today marks National No Smoking Day.

When you quit smoking, good things start to happen — you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your […]

Tinnitus Awareness Week

Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that do not come from an outside source. It’s not usually a sign […]

New Perinatal Pelvic Health Service

Our hospitals are offering easy-to-get help and support through out new Perinatal Pelvic Health Service (PPHS), for anyone with antenatal […]

Your views can help improve local GP and health services

Some patients registered at this GP Practice will soon be invited to take part in a national survey about their […]

Cervical Screening

Our practice is proud to support the NHS Cervical Screening (smear test) Programme. If you’ve been invited for cervical screening, we […]

Serious Shortage Protocol for HRT gels

The NHSBSA have released new Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) for HRT products.

GHR & Eagle Bridge Primary Care Network: Provision of our services outside the normal practice hours.

As you may be aware NHS England (who commission our practices services) have set out a requirement that practices work […]